Thanks, Iain! This helps explain some problems I ran into when I tried to use
Switch. ;-)  Wish the Switch docs included some caveats about using it with

Wes Sheldahl

Iain Truskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/21/2002 11:10:25 PM

cc:    (bcc: Wesley Sheldahl/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  Re: Hiding perl code

* Jonathon M. Robison ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [22 Jul 2002 13:03]:
> Anyone know offhand a good way to hide your perl code when using
> mod_perl? Acme::Bleach isn't doing it - httpd is failing to start on
> initial test [...]

Acme::Bleach is a source filter. Source filters will just screw up your
mod_perl stuff. IIRC, you get similar problems using Switch and so on.

> Perhaps perl2exe?

Nope. That does weird compiler stuff that will interfere with the fact
that Apache's using Perl internally.

As far as I know, there's no good way to do it. It is Perl after all.
And with mod_perl things just get trickier.

Out of interest, why?


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