
( 02.07.22 10:15 -0400 ) Jon:
> At my former employer's, we built an Enterprise Management System out of
> mod_perl. He wants to distribute it to clients w/o risking theft of his
> code.

Well, I'll save the intellectual property rant, but it's going to be
very difficult to do. Perl is set up for sharing, not hiding.

You might be able to use a crypto dependency to accomplish some of the
same ends. You'd need a key pair to make this work.

Take a low level variable and expect it's value to be held in an
encrypted file. Encrypt the file with your private key and have the code
decrypt it to operate. The public key can be contained in the code.

So this file becomes a software 'dongle' of some type. It's not perfect,
and certainly breakable [just rewrite the code with the crypto
dependency], but may be applicable to your case.


A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.

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