On Sun, 26 Jan 2003, Robert Kehl wrote:

> Hi all,
> if you would be willing to spend a minute on helping me out of
> this: I'm trying to get mod_perl-2 running on Win32. Without
> success, of course. :(
> My box is a Win2k SP3 with 1GB RAM, ActivePerl 5.6.1 build 633,
> mod_perl-2 1.99_09-dev on Apache 2.0.43. Everything is freshly
> loaded and installed. Btw, mod_perl 1.27_01-dev is running
> smoothly on Apache 1.3.27.

[ ... ]

> The hardest thing is, not even this works ok:
>       PerlModule Apache2
> The server simply doesn't start, so it can't be a fault in
> some-script.pl, which indeed is nothing more than a series of
> commented lines atm. Surely *no* perl script gets executed
> using the above configuration. If I do not load mod_perl, CGI
> executes fine. But slow ;)
> So, IMHO, the problem is, that mod_perl-2 doesn't load
> PerlModule Apache2. Doesn't load anything.
> Any ideas despite reinstalling everything? ;)
> Thank you for your attention and for your help,

Are there any helpful messages in the error log
indicating what's failing?

Perhaps the first thing to check - does

  LoadFile "C:/Perl/bin/perl56.dll"
  LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so

alone, without any further mod_perl directives, prevent the
server from starting? If so, then it might be that you're running
into the fact that mod_perl 2.0 on Win32 has problems with
perl-5.6.1 (ActivePerl 6xx), and that the solution would be to
migrate to perl-5.8.0 (ActivePerl 8xx).

However, if the server starts OK above, but things like
   PerlModule Apache2
cause it to crash, then it might be a misconfiguration,
or faulty installation, or something similar. If this
is the case, the error log should give a clue about
what's failing.

best regards,
randy kobes

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