Hi all!

Thanks for your thoughts, Randy.

> Are there any helpful messages in the error log
> indicating what's failing?

No, none.

> Perhaps the first thing to check - does
>   LoadFile "C:/Perl/bin/perl56.dll"
>   LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
> alone, without any further mod_perl directives, prevent the
> server from starting?

That works ok, for Perl 5.6.1 and 5.8.0. Surely I can't execute any perl
then. The browser starts to load a page, but does not finish. After several
minutes(!) it says 404.

> If so, then it might be that you're running
> into the fact that mod_perl 2.0 on Win32 has problems with
> perl-5.6.1 (ActivePerl 6xx), and that the solution would be to
> migrate to perl-5.8.0 (ActivePerl 8xx).

As long as I don't have a DBD-Mysql afterwards, that's not possible other
than for testing. But it's the same for 5.8.0 - crashing, too.

> However, if the server starts OK above, but things like
>    PerlModule Apache2
> cause it to crash, then it might be a misconfiguration,

Ok, but where to configure?

> or faulty installation, or something similar. If this
> is the case, the error log should give a clue about
> what's failing.

Nope, it doesn't, stays absolutely clear. The only thing happens is a small
dialogue box popping up saying "The requested operation has failed." Same
happens if I comment "PerlModule Apache2" and uncomment "PerlRequire", if if
the file to be required consists only of comments!

Thanks again for your help,


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