On Tue, 2003-06-24 at 23:00, Steve Hay wrote:
> Philippe M. Chiasson wrote:
> >Now bringing you the second mod_perl 1.28 release candidate.
> >[snip]
> >Please give this release a spin and report back any problems or failed tests to:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] as soon as possible. The more platforms & configurations, the
> >merrier!
> >
> Windows XP, Apache 1.3.27, Perl 5.8.0:
> Failed Test       Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> modules/request.t               10    6  60.00%  3-8

Is it possible that you have an older version of Apache::Request lying
around that was not recompiled against this new mod_perl ? (hapenned to
me more than once)

What's in the error_log?

> Philippe: Is the Apache::Reload stuff not going to make it into 1.28?  I 
> think it would be well worth waiting a little longer for 1.28 if that 
> could make it in.

Well, maybe, maybe not. In any case, I am planning to go at a mp 1.29
release fairly soon after 1.28 hits the decks. There are still quite a
few itty-gritty bugs I want to hammer out of mod_perl 1, but that are
yet a bit too touchy to roll up in a release without letting the CVS
user some time to see it work/break for them.

If you feel like submitting a back-port of Apache::Reload (with or
without my new namespace deletion code), that has a few decents tests
for it and works with perl 5.5.3 up to bleadperl, I would be happy to
slip it into mp 1.28 with a version of 1.0_0 or similar to make sure
CPAN won't be fooled into installing it for now. Just noticed there is
Apache::Reload 0.07 on CPAN, so it would be safe.

I guess for now the simplest thing would be to _strictly_ backwards port
Apache::Reload with no mp2 specific code in there, just so it can be
shipped in 1.28, then in the 1.29-dev cycle, I can worry about getting
it either on CPAN or synced between both mp1 and mp2, as per the ongoign
discussion with you and Stas on the matter.

So, if you feel you can whip up a complete patch within the next few
days, go for it. Otherwise, I'll delay this for inclusion in 1.29 (and
remember, I would target that one quite soon after 1.28)

Gozer out.

> Steve
Philippe M. Chiasson /gozer\@(cpan|ectoplasm)\.org/ 88C3A5A5 (122FF51B/C634E37B)
http://gozer.ectoplasm.org/    F9BF E0C2 480E 7680 1AE5 3631 CB32 A107 88C3 A5A5
Q: It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.
perl -e'$$=\${gozer};{$_=unpack(P7,pack(L,$$));/^JAm_pH\n$/&&print||$$++&&redo}'

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