Apache 2.0.46 modperl 1.99-10.dev (CVS snapshot from last night) perl 5.8.0 NetBSD 1.6.1

I've got a form that I'm posting to an MP2 script, and am parsing the
output with the following subroutines :

sub hash_post {
    # returns a hash of all the POST values

my ($r) = shift;

    my $post_string = CB::read_post($r);
    my %rethash = {};

    my @bits = split(/&/, $post_string);
    foreach my $bit (@bits) {
        $bit =~ /^(.*)=(.*)$/;
        my $key = CGI::Util::unescape($1);
        my $value = CGI::Util::unescape($2);
        $rethash{$key} = $value;
    return %rethash;

CB::read_post() is : sub read_post { use Apache::Filter (); use APR::Bucket (); use APR::Brigade (); use constant IOBUFSIZE => 8192; use Apache::Const -compile => qw(MODE_READBYTES); use APR::Const -compile => qw(SUCCESS BLOCK_READ);

use CGI::Util;

    my $r = shift;
    my $debug = shift || 0;

    my @data = ();
    my $seen_eos = 0;
    my $filters = $r->input_filters();
    my $ba = $r->connection->bucket_alloc;
    my $bb = APR::Brigade->new($r->pool, $ba);

    do {
        my $rv = $filters->get_brigade($bb,
        if ($rv != APR::SUCCESS) {
            return $rv;

        while (!$bb->empty) {
            my $buf;
            my $b = $bb->first;


            if ($b->is_eos) {
                warn "EOS bucket:\n" if $debug;

            my $status = $b->read($buf);
            warn "DATA bucket: [$buf]\n" if $debug;
            if ($status != APR::SUCCESS) {
                return $status;
            push @data, $buf;

    } while (!$seen_eos);
    my $string = join '', @data;
    return $string;

The observant will notice that read_post() is pretty-much Stas's code from the mp test scripts, so I figure it's got to be good code (Stas wrote it :) )

This all seems to work quite nicely for the simple form I'm processing, like so :

my %posted_data = CB::hash_post($r);
foreach my $key (keys %posted_data) {
    $vars->{form}->{$key} = $posted_data{$key};
The %vars gets thrown into template toolkit and
as far as I can see, it looks fine, so I _think_
I'm parsing the POST data correctly at this point.
But ....

I then want to throw the data at a database insert :
CB::submit_training_log($user_id, %posted_data);

sub submit_training_log {
    my ($user_id,%values) = @_;

# use DBI;
#my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:".$db_name.":".$db_server, $db_user, $db_pass,
{ RaiseError => 1}) or return -1;

    my $fields = "user_id";
    my $values = "\'".$user_id."\'";
    foreach my $key (keys %values) {
        $fields .= ",$key";
        $values .= ",\'".$values{$key}."\'";
    my $insert = "INSERT into training_log ($fields) VALUES ($values)";

    # $dbh->disconnect;

(yes, I need to do lots of safety/sanity/taint checks etc ... )

What I see in the INSERT log message is this :

INSERT into training_log ('user_id','av_hr','distance','time','percent_fat','max_speed','comments',
'sleep','year') VALUES ('1','','','','','','The session was great!','','','','funky','','','25','6','','1','1','','','1','','',
'','','','As per planned session','','','','1','1','2003')

There's a "HASH(0x8d7be98)" in there. That's a problem! Can anyone
see where it might be coming from? All the form variables are
accounted for, so it seems to be coming from nowhere? The onlyplace I can think of is the submit button?



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