Michael G Schwern wrote:

On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 08:46:27AM +0100, Steve Hay wrote:

I tried changing the s/// to:

  $string =~ s{ \$\(INST_DYNAMIC\)}{}g;
  $string =~ s{ \$\(INST_BOOT\)}{}g;

(I've dropped the trailing spaces in the patterns), which produced:

dynamic :: $(FIRST_MAKEFILE)

in the Makefile as desired, but now the build process fails with this error:

fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'C:\perl5\lib\ExtUtils\typemap'

That's odd. Does that file exist? If not, where is your typemap file?

Somehow, it has contrived to disappear! It always used to exist there, which is why it didn't occur to me to check :-( I must have lost it somewhere along the line when shoe-horning earlier MakeMaker's into place.

Having now restored that file, the patch above does indeed fix it for me.


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