On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 5:14 PM, kropotkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> True; I could pass return values
> back up the chain and at the top-level if there was a problem do return "OK"
> there to cancel execution without generating a 500 error but this would be a
> pain to manage.

Then catch the die in an eval at a level where you can return OK to apache.

> I found an easier solution - which may of course not be the 'best' one: I
> still call die in my custom error handling routine which generates a 500
> error. But I've used the Apache ErrorDocument directive to kill of the
> default error message and replace it with my own (I found out it takes text
> as well as a file).  I just pass it a period, and that's it.

That's not a good solution.  What if there was an unexpected error in
some other code?  You would never know.

- Perrin

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