keep strong becca....i know that pain too well and am currently nursing a 
broken heart but i would never take back getting involved with him.. it 
taught me alot it taught me not to date and to stay celebate which ive done 
for about three months thus far... im in the "i will survive" phase after 
listening to way too much elliot smith... i listened to "miss misery" over 
and over again for quite some time.. its good to realize that most boys are 
just that.. boys. they hurt and lie and all of that wonderful stuffi cant 
begin to count all the times i was hurt and lied to.. i just became really 
jaded towards the whole dating scene in general..but its a double edged 
sword really..if you dont date you get lonely, but if you do, you stand the 
chance of just getting hurt...sometimes more than you think you will...but 
anything else i could say to you would just be extremely biased(well more 
than anything ive already said)i guess you just gotta be careful about who 
you trust and all...just stay single for awhile and listen to strong woman 
music then venture out in the dating world again if thats what you want


'they say that god makes problems
just to see what you can stand
before you do as the devil pleases
and give up the thing you love
but no one deserves it'--elliot smith

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