pixie ruin wrote:

>  its good to realize that most boys are just that.. boys. they hurt and lie
> and all of that wonderful stuffi cant
> begin to count all the times i was hurt and lied to..

WHAT A FUCKING CROCK OF SHIT!  and what would you be saying if a guy on this
list posted that most WOMEN were whores that gold dig and fuck your
friends...?  Get off your Male basherama kick... it's unfortunate that you've
been hurt by a man but I'm sure there a lot of Lesbians out there who've been
lied to and hurt by other women too... SHEESH... why don't you just blame men
for everything... OH, right you do!

> .just stay single for awhile and listen to strong woman
> music then venture out in the dating world again if thats what you want

HAHAHAHA... Yeah good one... hahahaha I hear Sarah McRugmunch is planning a
Lilith Fair Scooter Run soon...STRONG WOMAN music... is that like the East
German Women's Shot-put Choir...?

Still awaiting your pic Pixie... even more now...


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