Florian Hackenberger a écrit :
On Thursday 26 June 2008, Florian Hackenberger wrote:
On Thursday 26 June 2008, Joe Orton wrote:
It denies access for what type of request, a directory listing?
Ok, I think I understood the intention of your question. Accessing a specific file works, but getting the directory listing fails. Would that be a result of apache trying to access the protected directory in oder to read attributes for the listing, causing the certificate verification to kick in?

It's more an apache specific question; try setting
Options +Indexes
in your vhost, allowing directory listing.

Beaucoup d'hommes ont recherché la boîte de pandore à travers le monde, pendant 
ce temp Chuck Norris l'utilisait pour ranger ses chaussures.
Gilles CUESTA - Logiciels Libres

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