On Monday, April 1, 2002, at 09:39 AM, Stephen Zander wrote:

>>>>>> "Sam" == Sam Vilain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Sam> Hi all, How do you return the name of perl in your module's
>     Sam> Makefile.PL?
> If you're generating rules for the Makfile that will be produced,
> don't try to hardcode perl at all.  Rather use the PERL Makefile
> variable that MakeMaker has already gone to great pains to get right
> for you.

I wouldn't say "right".  Note this comment in the EU::MM_Unix source:

     # Find Perl 5. The only contract here is that both 'PERL' and 
     # will be working versions of perl 5.

In other words, it might find the wrong installed binary if you've got 
more than one.  It does this by searching a list of directories for 
executables with any of a list of names, including 'perl'.

A reasonable approach in most situations is this:

   use Config;
   $perl = -X $^X ? $^X : $Config{perlpath};

You might also want to check whether $^X is an absolute path.  Sometimes 
it's not, as when a shebang script is run on some systems.  This is a 
great joy.


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