On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 10:49:15AM -0500, Jay Lawrence wrote:
> I have the basics of a v* file parser/generator underway. This stemmed 
> from my initial need to parse vCard files (because Apple's Address Book 
> can't print and I needed my xmas card labels! *** ) and ultimately 
> vCalendar files. These modules will also be able to write 
> v(Calendar|Card|\w+) files back out as the need/demand arises.
> I am aware of Net::ICal which works with [iv]Calendar files - however 
> given its dependance on other modules (Class::MakeMethods or 
> MethodMaker?) and a few other reasons I have elected not to use it.


This is something that seems good to me.  However, I'm somewhat perturbed at
your mention of reliance on a another module as a reason against using
something.  I'm biased; I'm the maintainer of Class::MethodMaker.  However,
given that you're promoting code reuse by offering your module(s) uo to CPAN,
why simultaneously denigrate it by implicitly speaking against the use of
other modules?


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