On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 11:28:57AM +0200, Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
> At 08:06 +0300 8/3/03, Gabor Szabo wrote:
> >There are a few modules on CPAN that seem to be dead.
> >Without pointing fingers (to myself :-), let's say there is a
> >module called Dead::Camel someone started to develop, uploaded to
> >CPAN but it never reached any form of usable version or for some
> >other reason it is unusable today.
> >
> >Eliminating these modules from CPAN might do a little good for the
> >world.
> I would be totally for moving these modules from CPAN and only have 
> them be available on BackPAN.  I have a few of them myself...

I think you can find someone to care about almost any CPAN module.
Likewise, I suspect that all but the most redundant, and perhaps
uselessly broken modules have at least one user who will be upset when
it goes away.

For those reasons, it might be better to offer dead camels to whoever
wants to maintain them.  If nobody steps forward after a time, then
consider retiring them.

At the very least, you can say: "Don't complain!  You had your chance!"
when they send you hate mail for breaking their programs. :)

Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://poe.perl.org/

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