On Mon, 2 Aug 2004, Sam Holden wrote:

Namespace wise, Text::Wily was suggested on comp.lang.perl.modules, but the module itself has almost nothing to do with text - it interfaces to a text editor which I think is a very different thing.

I would think the existing examples might provide some light on this but the modules to interface to emacs seem to be in their own Emacs:: space and the vi-related modules seem to be in Vi::. I'm not sure what the received wisdom is for the "right way" to do this would be, but the option based on precedents could only be Wily::.

Text:: may seem inappropriate in one sense, but in any classification system you're going to have things that "almost fit" one place, but don't fit anywhere else at all. Going with the "almost fit" is often the right choice rather than trying to create perfect categories for everything. The worst case for not going with "almost fit" is that you end up with /n/ objects in /n/ categories eventually and there's no point in the categories anymore.

Speaking of categories, why do we have a "Commercial Software Interfaces", but not a "Noncommercial Software Interfaces"? Is that intentional?


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