* Eric Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-06-16 02:05]:
> English:
>   http://scratchcomputing.com/developers/Getopt-Modern/

Your presentation gets about two slides in before it chokes on

I looked at the code and didn’t see much that warranted a new
module and an OO API.

The example you show on your first slide is easily fixed by
simply saying

    'foo!' => \$foo,

in which case Getopt::Long will provide the necessary behaviour
for a “--no-foo” option by itself. Of course that might be just
an example.

> This is essentially a replacement/update for Getopt::Long.

You need to evangelize it less haphazardly if you want to
convince people.

Right now I have no idea why I’d use your module over ::Long
(which is in core, a significant advantage) or why a fork was the
better course of action over patches to ::Long.

If you really want it to succeed, it needs to be *much* better
than the established way of doing things. (Right now, it doesn’t
seem like it is; but I can’t make an informed call now, can I?)

> Any suggestions on names?
>   Getopt::Strict
>   Getopt::Predictable
> Seems like Modern would wear off after a while.

Indeed, ::Modern is a poor choice. I’m afraid I have no better
ideas since I have no idea about the distinguishing/defining
aspects of your module.

> P.S.  I still need to write the documentation. Just pretend
> that it reads like the first half of "perldoc Getopt::Long"
> (I've really only added a dash of strictness, a pinch of
> thrifty clarity, and a teaspoon of API.)

Well, that’s kind of a problem, as you see. :-)

*Something*, anything, is better than nothing. First draft
documentation need not be well-written or exhaustive; but it must
give at least a vaguely comprehensive overview and the general
idea, otherwise the code might as well not exist. Write at least
a few example scripts demonstrating a sufficiently large portion
of the API. (I tried to read the test suite for some example
code, but that wasn’t much help.) *Something*, anything, is
better than nothing.

It might cure cancer or solve world hunger; if noone knows what
it does or how to use it, it’s of little value.

*AUTOLOAD=*_=sub{s/(.*)::(.*)/print$2,(",$\/"," ")[defined wantarray]/e;$1};

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