A. Pagaltzis writes:

> * Adam Kennedy [2006-05-23 11:10:13]
> > Data-Pageset (1.03) ??? 1 star:
> > 
> > This is reciprocal karma for the author one-starring a
> > competing module and advertising his own. Bad form. (not a
> > commentary on how this works) 
> This sort of thing is lunacy. What???s the point of MODULE REVIEWS
> if they???re going to be turned into crusade vehicles?

I agree: I only care about whether a module is good enough to use, not
what else the author may've done elsewhere.

Fortunately I don't think this matters too much.  At the moment a
typical module has so few reviews that if I'm investigating it I will
bother to read all of them, so I can easily discount comments such as
the above.  If Cpan Ratings becomes so popular that this is no longer
feasible that'll mean a module's overall star rating is an average of so
many ratings that the odd bogus rating will have little impact.

> Adam, dude: there are ???Was this review helpful to you???? voting
> links on each review for exactly this purpose. I voted ???No??? on Leo
> Lapworth???s review,

(I hadn't read Leo's review (on Data::Page::Set) until now, but I don't
see what's so terrible about it.  He's providing the information to a
potential user of Data::Page::Set that he considers Data::Pageset to be
"much more flexable"[*0]; that's useful to know.

And he even admits to being the author of the module he's recommending,
so that readers can see his potential for bias and take that into
account; not mentioning this would be sneaky, but as it is nobody can
read Leo's review without realizing it's just his opinion and that he
isn't a disinterested party.  People who have encountered Leo or his
work before can also use that to help them decide how much to trust his
opinion of a rival module.

> which at the time of this writing has a count of 0 out of 8.

If I were in the market for a module dealing with pagesets I'd
appreciate the existence of Leo's comment -- so I've just made the above
1 out of 9!)

But ... the above is all in brackets because it's irrelevant to having
an opinion on Adam's 'reciprocal karma' rating: it isn't that I don't
think Adam should've attacked Leo because I don't see the problem with
Leo's actions, but that I simply don't think it's an appropriate use of
Cpan Ratings to launch attacks like this at all.

  [*0] And also that he can't spell "flexible"; that's less useful to


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