Ovid wrote:
> Hi all,
> No names, but if you happen to be sitting on a module which other people 
> depend on and you're not going to fix bugs, give up the module, offer someone 
> co-maintainership or figure out *something* which gives users a way out. I 
> realize that not everyone has a pile of free time to constantly upgrade and 
> maintain modules, but if it's something widely used and you don't have time 
> for it, isn't the responsible thing to find a way to get those bug fixes out 
> there? 
> Cheers,
> Ovid

This bears upon issues I discussed in a presentation at YAPC::NA::2006
in Chicago the month before last

In the subsequent discussion, people suggested that we need the following:

1.  Place for current module authors/maintainers who wish to transfer
maintenance of certain modules to so indicate.

2.  Place for people who are willing to take over maintenance of CPAN
modules to so indicate.

3.  (And this is the delicate part ...)  A way to encourage
authors/maintainers whose code needs transfer to a new maintainer to
effect that.

My hunch is that if we get (1) and (2) up and working, it will be easier
to accomplish (3).


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