Ovid wrote:
Has anyone heard from James Freeman, the maintainer of CGI::Simple
(http://search.cpan.org/dist/Cgi-Simple/)?  It's not been updated in a
couple of years, the outstanding bugs appear to mostly be related to
the same issue, and I tried emailing him about this using the contact


out of curiosity, I checked his CPAN directory. All the other modules appear to be released-once-and-never-touched-again. None of them appear to be listed as prereqs of other modules


File-SortedSeek has an open ticket, and that is merely a wishlist item pointing out that the code could be greatly simplified by reimplementing it in terms of Search::Dict, which is core (since forever).

Do we wait until someone else manifests a need to dust off one of them to hand over maintenance? Or do we forget about it until next time? If it's worth it, then I would volunteer.


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