On Fri, 20 Apr 2007 18:55:56 +0100
Andy Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> could optionally be
>    '/photos/album${ALBUM:\d+:%04d}/photo${PHOTO:\d+:%04d}.jpg'
> to get back strings like
>    '/photos/album0123/photo0001.jpg'

An interesting idea, but what does that buy you that a plain sprintf does

  $pr->build( { ALBUM => sprintf("%04d", $album),
                PHOTO => sprintf("%04d", $photo) } )

In this example with numbers as the keys perhaps it looks useful, but
isn't that a special case? In most cases, we couldn't do anything special
like zero-pad the numbers.

For example, if we had users in groups:


There's no other printf format of any interest that comes to mind, other
than %s.

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

ICQ# 4135350       |  Registered Linux# 179460

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