On Friday 18 May 2007, you wrote:
> On 18 May 2007, at 16:21, K. J. Cheetham wrote:
> > I've already written the bulk of the module and a series of tests
> > and POD for it, which I can show if need be.
> How does it intersect with
> http://search.cpan.org/dist/Set-IntSpan/
> and
> http://search.cpan.org/dist/Set-IntSpan-Fast/
> ?
After further investigation I believe the main difference between what I 
was proposing and those modules is the handling of duplicates (though 
mine is also considerably less mature as well at this point). A set can 
only contain unique items, but I was more interested in collections. 
Also given my module stores the data as a string internally rather than 
an array, it makes mathematical processing much slower so I was 
thinking of just using it for display and user entry purposes rather 
than much manipulation. I was thinking of just exporting a few 
functions with @EXPORT_OK rather than actually making it an object.

Not sure if that's still worth making a CPAN module for that though... 
Set::IntSpan::Fast has since also gained methods to create a new object 
based on an encoded string as well.

Set::Bag also caught my eye, but that handles more than just collections 
of numbers, and offers no such string encoding/decoding.

Best wishes

K. J. Cheetham MPhys (hons) AMInstP
Software Developer
Shadowcat Systems Ltd.

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