I have this module I wrote years ago and have been using forever in my
own projects and I want to share it with the world.  But I can't make
up my mind what to call the durn thing.  i want to get it on CPAN so I
can more easily reuse it in various apps, instead of just manually
putting it somewhere in @INC each time I use it.

It provides a generic user account management system, with features such as:

- Connection to backend database (I use mysql but it should work with
any DBI source)
- Automatic cookie creation for web apps (but could be used in other
types of apps)
- Support for account creation and updates
- Lost password support (send email with special code to enable
resetting password)
- Secure as I can make it (use of MD5 to store passwords, never
emailing password in plaintext, etc.)

Does it go under CGI? Under DBIx? Authen?  Make up some new category?
I've tried WWW::UserDB and CGI::UserDB but I'm not really happy with either.

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