On 6/22/07, David Precious <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bill Ward wrote:
> I have this module I wrote years ago and have been using forever in my
> own projects and I want to share it with the world.  But I can't make
> up my mind what to call the durn thing.  [...]
> It provides a generic user account management system, with features such as:
> Does it go under CGI? Under DBIx? Authen?  Make up some new category?
> I've tried WWW::UserDB and CGI::UserDB but I'm not really happy with either.

My initial thought would be Authen::UserManagement or similar, but I'm
not sure.

I've decided to combine your idea and mine, and call it
Authen::UserDB.  Further, I'm pulling out all the CGI/Web specific
functionality into a separate module, Authen::UserDB::CGI.  I plan to
package them together for CPAN purposes though.  Unless anyone has any
better ideas, that's the plan.

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