I was reading over Jifty last last night and about how it depends on
fifty or so CPAN modules.  And also noted the suggestion for

    perl -MCPAN -e 'install Jifty'

which is basically what I do when installing modules (sudo cpan

I woke up a bit paranoid and my thought was:

    That's running a lot of code as root.  Other than CPAN testers,
    are there any safeguards running all these tests and modules as

In general, I prefer to run make and make test as a normal user and
then sudo make install, but sudo cpan sure is easy.  But, that's
hardly a complete test of code.

I suspect short of reviewing every line of code it's not really
possible to be completely sure.  I was wondering also if something
like Devel::Cover and Safe could help in evaluating code before it
gets run as root or loaded on the production machines.

This isn't a problem specific to Perl, of course, but CPAN does make
it reasonably easy to upload code to share.  Plus, I've recently used
modules that depend on other modules that, when I looked at the
source, had what I considered a serious bug.  (Yes, I provided
patches.)  That's not malicious, but does illustrate the potential.

Am I just worrying too much? ;)

Bill Moseley

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