* Gabor Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-04-12 08:40]:
> So for what is Catalyst a good example?

I don’t know who meant what. What I know with certainty that is
that Catalyst did get split up.

The way in this happened (the single distro was split into
runtime, dev tools and manual) means that you’re unlikely to have
trouble from undeclared dependencies on modules that were present
in the all-in-one package but got moved into different distros on

However, one of the reasons for the split was to minimise the
number of distros you’d have to install on a server to run a Cat
app – much of the huge dependency tree of Catalyst was only
required by the dev tools. So if you were lazy and relied on your
Catalyst dependency pulling in all those other kitchen sinks,
then after the split your app would no longer install.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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