I'm moving my photos from iPhoto on a Mac laptop to a Linux server
with digiKam, and want to preserve all the photo albums I'd created in

I did a bunch of googling around, and found two things:
1. Mac::iPhoto - which is apparently out of date, and doesn't work
with current versions of iPhoto
2. A blog entry by Tom Gidden where he posts some scripts he wrote to
parse the info, but his scripts can only run on the Mac as they use
the Foundation classes to parse the XML.

So, I wrote my own code to parse the XML and create a hash/array
structure equivalent for Perl.  This XML format is used all over Apple
software, including iTunes which also runs on Windows.

So, I'd like to publish this on CPAN, but I'm not quite sure where to
put it.  I could put it under Mac:: but the iTunes/Windows option
rules that out in my mind.  Apple:: makes sense, but some might think
that the module was produced by Apple or one of its employees which is
not true.  I don't know if this "plist" XML format is used anywhere
outside of Apple software though?  Would XML::PList work?  Any ideas
are welcome.

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