On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 7:41 AM, Daniel Staal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --As of June 13, 2008 8:35:36 PM -0500, Chris Dolan is alleged to have said:
>>>> Note that plists can also be stored in a binary format; would you
>>>> want to support that also? If so, how about Parse::ApplePlist?
>>> I don't know anything about the binary format.... but its existence
>>> does argue against the XML prefix for sure.
>> On a Mac, you can use "plutil -convert xml1 -o out.xml in.xml" and
>> "plutil -convert binary1 -o out.xml in.xml" to switch back and forth.
>> You can also use the -lint option to validate your data files.
>> I *think* the binary format was introduced in 10.4, but maybe it was 10.3.
> --As for the rest, it is mine.
> There's also an old text format version of them that goes back to when they
> were used on NeXT, which is being phased out.  (I think.)

Interesting.  And being used on the NeXT argues even more against
Mac:: or Apple:: as a prefix.

> I'd go with XML::Plist myself, if that's all you are working with.  If it's
> a more general plist parser, I'd go with something like Data::Plist::XML
> (Where you could then write sub-modules for the different formats they are
> saved in.)

I think I like this best... Data::PList::XML (I'd use caps for the L).
 Because it is generically Data::

Only thing is, my utility only parses them, it doesn't write them.
PLists are strongly typed and Perl isn't, so generating a PList out of
an arbitrary Perl data structure is a little problematic...  need to
use a regex to see if it should be Integer or Real, but then how would
you determine True or False?

Data::Parser::PList could be the tool that reads them, and a subclass
::XML would do the dirty work.  Other subclasses such as ::Binary or
::Text (for that NeXT format) could be added.

> You could also use PropertyList in place of Plist in any of them, which
> would be easier to understand what they are for those who *don't* have
> experience with property lists.  However, it would make it harder to find
> for anyone who's trying to find a tool that works with them.  (As all the
> documentation generally refers to them in the short form.)  Personally, I'd
> say call them plists, and explain in the docs: The people who use this are
> likely to be looking for something that works with some file they've already
> got, and so will know them by that name.

I agree.

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