On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 1:40 PM, brian d foy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article
> Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Now I need a button (I'll settle with a command line tool)
>> that I can press and that will build my precious CPAN micro that
>> contains exactly those two modules and the index.
> MyCPAN::Indexer can do that, which means it is set up to be able to
> handle things like that but I haven't implemented this particular task.
> The latest MyCPAN stuff, which is my name for the BackPAN indexer,
> is now pluggable. You can tell it how to get a list of modules to
> process, how to process them, and how to write the report. If you look
> in the git archive, check out the "test census" example. For that, I
> have the indexer walk through distros, record the Test:: modules used,
> and then write a summary. That's the same task you have, but you want
> the modules in the dist (it finds that too) and a CPAN::Mini::Inject
> for each one.
> I just demonstrated this at Chciago.pm and have the screencast on Vimeo
> (and your exact use case came up too, but not while I was recording):
> http://vimeo.com/1808414
> I have some other things on my plate right now, but I estimate this is
> about two days of work for me. How fast do you need this? If it's
> something that someone wants enough to pay some money, I could work on
> it during work hours.

Thanks, great. I hope I'll be able to to look at all those once I am
back from my vacation.

I personally don't need it right now.

The question came to me as IMHO this can be a solution for all those people who
cannot upgrade their toolchain. They might not be able to install the latest
and greatest from CPAN as those might need some brand new features of MB or EUMM
but they can go back in time, have a custom built CPAN frozen in ancient times
just as they need it with juts enough of the old stuff they need.

Along the same lines I am not sure how difficult it would be to build
a CPAN::Mini
mirror that has the files as they were on any particular date in the past.

So I would be able to say myminicpan --date 2006.06.27
and it would build a cpan mirror with all the files that were latest
on CPAN on that day.

If there was such an easy solution in place, module-authors would need
to worry less
about supporting old versions of perl or old versions of the toolchain.
Users who are stuck with old toolchains or old perl could just build
an old version of
CPAN for themself.

>> Plus I'd like to
>> get a report what else do I need with the possible version numbers.
> You mean dependencies? That's easy to get it you want to beleive
> Makefile.PL or Build.PL, and slightly harder if you want the real
> answer.

Yes dependencies but it is not enough to know which module I need,
I'd also like to know what version did I possibly use back when I installed
this application.


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