On Sun, 12 Oct 2008, Chris Thompson wrote:

I'm not someone who wants to see a hard exclusion on uploads, nor the
thought of some sort of policing, but this seems to be a bit ridiculous, no?

It just seems to me to be a bad way to maintain an orderly repository.

Any thoughts?

Well, it seems better in some ways that uploading them to "real" namespaces and confusing newbies who might look at them. I think the "MYNAME" prefix will hopefully discourage people from using them.

I don't know why people bother uploading this stuff in the first place, especially Leo Charre, but I think I'd rather see it under LEOCHARRE::Test than Test::RandomJunk.

Of course, I'd really rather people put some thought into building coherent APIs and naming, but that's obviously not going to happen for many uploads ;)


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