* Chris Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-10-13 04:30]:
> What's up with people creating their own top level namespace
> and, at least in some of the LEOCHARRE stuff, uploading things
> of marginal usefulness.

You only just noticed that? Also, does it impact you in any
meaningful way that LEOCHARRE and MIKER uploaded things of
questionable interest?

> It just seems to me to be a bad way to maintain an orderly
> repository.

90% of everything is crap. The CPAN is no exception. But since we
let people put very nearly anything on CPAN, the absolute number
of things on it is huge, and 10% of that is still a big number.

That is why the CPAN is useful.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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