On Oct 26, 2008, at 10:24 PM, Bill Ward wrote:

The problem is people may add it to META.yml but not remove it from the POD. For one thing, it would be nice to be able to see what the license is when viewing the POD. Once the module is installed META.yml is no longer present, and there's no way for someone using the module to determine the license from perldoc/man.

Also, some modules may include a separate LICENSE or COPYRIGHT file in the tarball.

(joining this discussion late...)

Isn't that just an authoring problem that already exists today? The LICENSE file is not kept after installation either. This is a human problem, so I think a human solution is appropriate, like a Perl::Critic policy or a Kwalitee rule or a distcheck action to ensure the META.yml matches the POD copyright. The definition of "matches" is the hard part...

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