Over the years I've developed my own private Perl web login module.  It
takes a username or email address and password, checks it against the
database, and creates the cookies.  It has a 'forgot my password' option
which is reasonably secure (of course it assumes that the email address of
record is secure, but that's unavoidable).  It uses MD5 to store passwords
so there's no plaintext option, and I think it's "secure enough" for most
Web apps.  I wrote the initial code many years ago and have been tweaking it
and adapting it but never released it as its own module, which I'd like to
finally get around to doing.

But I'm afraid I may have "missed a spot" security-wise and would like
someone who's a little more of an expert in that area to see if they can
find any holes in its design or implementation that would be unacceptable.

Any takers?

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