The passwords are stored in a database table, not a file, so that exact
scenario won't work.  But one could easily imagine some SQL injection attack
or something like that making the passwords visible - which is a big reason
I store them as MD5 hash values rather than plaintext.  It certainly
wouldn't be much work to add a salt, so no reason not to.

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Jonathan Yu <>wrote:

> Bill:
> Perhaps there is a vulnerability in something else, like a PHP script
> you use to show source code, that allows attackers to get the file.
> You want to make sure the file is useless to people, even if they have
> it, which I think is the worst-case scenario.
> They might not be able to download all files this way, as the program
> might be restricted to showing ASCII files; so they will be able to
> view your password file but not, say, the binary files stored on your
> server in the passworded area that they want to get to.
> Never hurts to fix those things, really. It doesn't negatively impact
> performance in a noticeable way, and the security benefits
> dramatically outweigh the costs.
> Cheers,
> Jonathan
> On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Bill Ward <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Jonathan Yu <>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Bill:
> >>
> >> To clarify why a salt is necessary, consider the classic time-space
> >> tradeoff. Let's say I know that your password is exactly 8 characters
> >> long and I know all of the possible characters it could be. So let's
> >> say it's alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, hyphen, period, underscore) -
> >> that's 26+26+10+3 = 65 possible combinations per character.
> >>
> >> Then you'd only have to generate a hash 65^8 = 318644812890625 times,
> >> which for faster computers these days shouldn't take too long. Still,
> >> it takes a lot of time, so you can store it all in a database (ie,
> >> Rainbow Table). So if you map a bunch of arbitrary plaintexts and
> >> calculate their hash, you can look up the hash and figure out what
> >> text was used to generate that hash. Thus, you've either figured out
> >> the password or an MD5 collision thereof; in either case, you'll be
> >> able to log in.
> >>
> >> There are web sites that specialize in that sort of thing. So having a
> >> 2-byte salt can really help stop those attacks, or at least make the
> >> amount of space needed infeasible (since every different 2 character
> >> salt will require you to generate an entirely different rainbow
> >> table).
> >>
> >> For most uses it's probably unnecessary, however, if you can harden
> >> security with just a few extra lines of code, why not?
> >
> > Yeah, but how would you get the MD5 hash without already having access to
> > the database behind the web site, in which case the farm has already been
> > given away?  Still, it's not hard to add.
> >

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