On Fri, 26 Mar 2010, Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:

We wait your implementation breathlessly. By the time all the CPAN mirrors have started using that, we probably will be rather blue in
the face.

Now, let's not be that way.  :-)  You need to pick your problem domain.  You
guys can try to go through a lot of machinations to establish storage
policies which account for the million corner cases necessary to support all
the various versions of libraries & perl, and are relatively painless to
implement without raising the ire of all the contributors.... or just
improve the efficiency of synchronizing the mirrors.

<G> I know what sounds a hell of a lot easier and faster to me...  *Really*
fast for anyone familiar with the PAUSE code base.

Rsync by itself is definitely a bad idea for the number of files, I agree
whole-heartedly.  But it's the weakest and simplest link to replace.

Would I be happy to help?  Sure.  But I don't feel like diving into a
foreign code base all by myself?  No.  I don't have that many spare cycles.

        --Arthur Corliss
          Live Free or Die

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