On Thu, Apr 01, 2010 at 08:03:53PM +0300, Burak Gürsoy wrote:
> > From: Tim Bunce [mailto:tim.bu...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Tim Bunce
> > Subject: Distributing the CPAN
> > * cpanminus already supports installing from a git repo.
> > * Over time the number of cpan-git-mirror's and cpan-git-server's could
> > grow and the number of traditional CPAN ftp/rsync mirrors could fall.
> There is a part missing in this scenario. Mirroring gitPAN can be a
> good idea since it has the actual released distros [...]

Yes, I was envisaging something like gitPAN. Though if this took off
then moving the tarball->git import logic to the PAUSE server would
probably be a good idea.


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