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out of curiosity,

did you try Devel::Leak::Object ?


When I was tracking down a leak somewhere in foswiki, i added some
functionality to AdamK's module (which he's now released) and it found
them for me pretty quickly.

I had no idea where the problem would be, and did suffer from a few
false positives, but it did solve the issue.


On 29/11/10 23:59, Paul Bennett wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Nov 2010 10:54:31 -0500, Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
> <sebast...@aperghis.net> wrote:
>>> So I wonder what hurts *you* the most in Perl?
>> In terms of Perl itself, apart from the reference syntax, the thing that
>> really annoyed me recently was the lack of advanced debug tools, for
>> example
>> to find memory leaks. None of the tools I found or was pointed to worked
>> in my case.
> I have to second this. Trying to track down a memory leak recently in a
> fairly large and complex multi-fork()ing application left me with a
> bunch of modules that basically stated "use this on the data structure
> or piece of code you already know to be leaking, and you'll get a lot of
> technical diagnostic information", but there seemed to be nothing I
> could just attach to the application in any way that would help me
> *find* the data structure or piece of code that was leaking. Coming up
> with unit tests that were complicated enough to stably reproduce the
> condition essentially boiled down to rewriting the entire application
> from scratch in a TAP-oriented way.
> -- 

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