On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 3:30 AM, Shmuel Fomberg <ow...@semuel.co.il> wrote:
> On 2011/07/03 8:50, David Golden wrote:
>> If authors don't want failure reports on ancient Perls, they are
>> advised to be explicit with "use 5.006" or "use 5.008009" or whatever
>> is the earliest version they choose to support.
> Let's file it under 'do the right thing by default'.
> Of course an author can specify which version he supports. but by blocking
> old version he won't have to.

That would require a central authority to decide what is the "right thing"
instead of just providing data an letting the module author and the
user to decide.
I know you know there are companies still using 5.6.x...

The "distro count" in http://pass.cpantesters.org/ might give a better
indication on which version of perl is "supported" by CPAN distribution.
Though maybe it would be better to default to only show the production
releases of perl and maybe also to include %-ages and/or a graph.

It shows that 11,356 have PASS-ing reports on 5.6.1
5.10 has the biggest number that is 21,360.


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