On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 8:50 AM, Aristotle Pagaltzis <pagalt...@gmx.de>

> Hi John,
> * John M Gamble <jgam...@ripco.com> [2015-10-06 20:25]:
> > What with META.json being generated (and presumably used) in our CPAN
> > uploads, is it necessary to include META.yml anymore? A brief search
> > didn't really tell me anything.
> >
> > If it makes a difference, the minimum version of Perl that I require
> > for my modules is currently 5.10.1.
> if I’m looking at this right, Perl 5.13.10 is the earliest Perl version
> where the toolchain supports META.json out of the box.
> Specifically, 5.13.9 was the first perl to ship JSON::PP in core, but
> its CPAN.pm and Parse::CPAN::Meta lack META.json support. They were
> added in Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.41_01 and CPAN.pm 1.94_65, both of which
> were included in 5.13.10 (or rather, Parse::CPAN::Meta was upgraded to
> 1.44).
> In practice that means Perl 5.14.0 is the first Perl that can install
> dists with a JSON-only META out of the box.
META was never something relevant for installation purposes except
configure_requires (and dynamic_config, theoretically), it's MYMETA that
matters more. When using EUMM often you can easily live without META.yml,
but figuring out when you need it and when not is a hassle, and actually
declaring a minimum EUMM version (even if it's an ancient one) is generally
considered good practice. Also I think some packagers may be using it.

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