Okay, I see that GitHub allows me to create organizations which I presume
is what you're referring to as groups.

Are there existing organizations for which adding the core Perl Modules
(threads, threads::shared, etc.) would be appropriate?

On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 11:23 PM, Dean Hamstead <d...@fragfest.com.au>

> Github allows you to create "groups" which can own modules.
> You can then add people to those groups as you see fit.
> Dean
> On 2016-03-29 14:21, Jerry D. Hedden wrote:
> I maintain server Perl modules on CPAN:
> http://search.cpan.org/~jdhedden/  Some of the modules are part of the
> core Perl distribution; some are my own.  I want to add them to GitHub.  Is
> there preferred organization, account, methodology for doing this?  I would
> think there is a better way than just putting them under my own GitHub
> account, particularly as this would complicate matters if the time should
> come when someone else would need to take over their maintenance.

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