I can answer the fuel tank question, the reason is that steel and ali don,t 
like each other, they set up an electric current between the two that eats both 
metals, so steel and ali should never be in contact with each other. michael 


 From: Graham Wright <graham-g4...@talk21.com>
To: mogtalk2 <mogtalk2@listbox.com> 
Sent: Friday, 10 August 2012, 17:49
Subject: Re: [mogtalk2] Why?
Says he with GRP wings???   
Graham W 
----- Original Message -----  
>From: david.birch1...@talktalk.net  
>To: mogtalk2  
>Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 5:35  PM 
>Subject: RE: [mogtalk2] Why? 
>You are blaspheming,  m'Lud. 
>One of the main points about a Morgan is Tradition. 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Richard L Smith 
>Sent: 10 August 2012 12:52
>Subject: [mogtalk2] Why? 
>The more I get to know my Mog (by taking it to bits)  the more I ask "why" 
>Why are the floorboards wood, when they could be  aluminium plate? 
>Why is the fuel tank mounted on planks instead of  direct to the chassis? Or  
>onto another ali plate? 
>Why is the fuel pump mounted on a bit of thin plate  when it could be mounted  
>on the same deck as the  battery? 
>OK, so the answer is 'because they have always been  like that', but when  
>others rebuild their cars, dothey stick to tradition, or do they  improve?  
>Assuming, of course, that replacing plywood with ali  is an improvement. 
>Or am I blaspheming? 
>Richard S 
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