Hi all,

I've pushed the following patch out go git://git.bogomips.org/unicorn
along with a few other Rails-related test updates.  This is more of a
shotgun fix (but less code is better :) since I haven't been able to
reproduce the brokeness people have been seeing with "unicorn_rails"
and Rails 3 betas.

Even though "unicorn" works perfectly well for Rails3, some folks will
inevitably run "unicorn_rails" because of the "rails" in its name.

If I were to do it all over again, I would've just made everybody write
config.ru files for Rails.  But yes, programming is like sex, make one
mistake and support it for life :)

You can grab a git gem here, too:


>From 4b44e21957e4cb8ec6ace5604fbe096dfd8959d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eric Wong <normalper...@yhbt.net>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 22:52:11 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] unicorn_rails: avoid duplicating config.ru logic

This should allow "unicorn_rails" to be used seamlessly
with Rails 3 projects which package config.ru for you.
 bin/unicorn_rails |   50 ++++++++++++++------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/unicorn_rails b/bin/unicorn_rails
index 72ab288..45a9b11 100755
--- a/bin/unicorn_rails
+++ b/bin/unicorn_rails
@@ -109,53 +109,30 @@ end
 ru = ARGV[0] || (File.exist?('config.ru') ? 'config.ru' : nil)
-if ru && ru =~ /\.ru\z/
-  # parse embedded command-line options in config.ru comments
-  /^#\\(.*)/ =~ File.read(ru) and opts.parse!($1.split(/\s+/))
-def rails_builder(ru, daemonize)
+def rails_builder(daemonize)
   # this lambda won't run until after forking if preload_app is false
   lambda do ||
     # Load Rails and (possibly) the private version of Rack it bundles.
       require 'config/boot'
+      require 'config/environment'
     rescue LoadError => err
       abort "#$0 must be run inside RAILS_ROOT: #{err.inspect}"
-    inner_app = case ru
-    when nil
-      require 'config/environment'
-      defined?(::Rails::VERSION::STRING) or
-        abort "Rails::VERSION::STRING not defined by config/{boot,environment}"
-      # it seems Rails >=2.2 support Rack, but only >=2.3 requires it
-      old_rails = case ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR
-      when 0, 1 then true
-      when 2 then Rails::VERSION::MINOR < 3 ? true : false
-      else
-        false
-      end
-      if old_rails
-        require 'unicorn/app/old_rails'
-        Unicorn::App::OldRails.new
-      else
-        ActionController::Dispatcher.new
-      end
-    when /\.ru$/
-      raw = File.read(ru)
-      raw.sub!(/^__END__\n.*/, '')
-      eval("Rack::Builder.new {(#{raw}\n)}.to_app", TOPLEVEL_BINDING, ru)
+    defined?(::Rails::VERSION::STRING) or
+      abort "Rails::VERSION::STRING not defined by config/{boot,environment}"
+    # it seems Rails >=2.2 support Rack, but only >=2.3 requires it
+    old_rails = case ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR
+    when 0, 1 then true
+    when 2 then Rails::VERSION::MINOR < 3 ? true : false
-      require ru
-      Object.const_get(File.basename(ru, '.rb').capitalize)
+      false
     Rack::Builder.new do
       map_path = ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT'] || '/'
-      if inner_app.class.to_s == "Unicorn::App::OldRails"
+      if old_rails
         if map_path != '/'
           # patches + tests welcome, but I really cbf to deal with this
           # since all apps I've ever dealt with just use "/" ...
@@ -163,23 +140,24 @@ def rails_builder(ru, daemonize)
         $stderr.puts "LogTailer not available for Rails < 2.3" unless daemonize
         $stderr.puts "Debugger not available" if $DEBUG
+        require 'unicorn/app/old_rails'
         map(map_path) do
           use Unicorn::App::OldRails::Static
-          run inner_app
+          run Unicorn::App::OldRails.new
         use Rails::Rack::LogTailer unless daemonize
         use Rails::Rack::Debugger if $DEBUG
         map(map_path) do
           use Rails::Rack::Static
-          run inner_app
+          run ActionController::Dispatcher.new
-app = rails_builder(ru, daemonize)
+app = ru ? Unicorn.builder(ru, opts) : rails_builder(daemonize)
 options[:listeners] << "#{host}:#{port}" if set_listener
 if $DEBUG
Eric Wong
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