Eric Wong <> wrote:
> Hongli Lai <> wrote:
> > Hi Eric.
> > 
> > It would appear that recent Rails 3 changes have broken unicorn_rails,
> > just like they broke Phusion Passenger. Here's a patch which fixes the
> > problem.
> >
> Thanks Hongli, so this only affects people who remove the
> that Rails 3 creates for them?  Yikes...

And for the completely bizzare: Rails 3 is ultra aggressive
when searching for, it walks up the directory tree,
even going all the way up to "/" if it can't find

I had a $HOME/ leftover from a test on one of my boxes, and
usually have my working directory in $HOME/unicorn.   This was was
causing the unicorn_rails test for this (t0301) to fail because that
test relies on Rails /not/ being able to find

So yes, don't leave random artifacts lying around and love strace :)

Eric Wong
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