At 10:34 AM +0000 12/7/04, Neil Fraser wrote:
Garance A Drosihn wrote:
One thing I'd like to put into our snapshot of MOO are the
changes for 'waifs', that Ben had done.

Be careful with WAIFs. They constitute a severe and virtually unfixable security risk when used on an existing DB. Legacy code is not accustomed to dealing with this value type.

It took me half an hour to hack a wizbit on Moo Canada when WAIFs
were installed there.

WAIFs might be cool if you're building a Moo database from scratch,
but I definitely don't recommend inserting them into an existing


Well, in our case all the MOO-code is written by "us" (the admins),
and not the end-users.  The end users are just sending messages to
each other, and to discussions (which are groups of users).  So, I
don't think waifs will be as much of an exposure for us.

Still, that does probably mean that if some new MOO code were to
arise, it should make the waifs-capability as optional.  Something
someone would have to explicitly turn on, perhaps.

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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