> Thanks for the feedback Aaron; I'm excited to check out (and hopefully
> contribute to) your UI kit.

I'm excited to have the help!

> Cons:
>    - requires a browser supporting custom elements / polyfill
>    <http://www.polymer-project.org/platform/custom-elements.html>
>    - does not lend itself to multiple behaviors
>    - for behaviors where options are specified as JSON, don't think I've
>    really reduced the notably
> Pros:
>    - nice semantics
>    - reduced learning curve for simple behaviors
> Having actually built UIs with this stuff, I can tell you that combining
things is pretty crucial to getting stuff to work. Note that you still have
to do the same stuff for the delegators, and custom tags probably won't
help you there. It's way more common to have more than one of these things
on a single element than you think. Learning to use these as they are, the
message is, "lay out your page with regular ol' vanilla HTML, then tell
them how to behave" instead of "learn all these new tags". For *some* of
these things, the behavior is tied up with the UI; for example, the
carousel component is pretty clearly a UI component (though, again, you'd
be surprised how complicated you can make it if you want, for example, a
video on slide three to start playing when you get to it). But most of the
behaviors are a bit more general than that. Form validation, for example,
ajax behaviors, ALL of the delegators, and others.

Another angle here is the semantic difference between HTML and how the page
behaves. One benefit of behavior is that you can turn it off and the page
still works (generally speaking). I.e. a link with the ajax delegator on it
is just a regular link. It can even fetch the entire full-page response and
then snag only the portion it wants to use for ajax, such that opening the
link in a new window doesn't give you just the ajax partial but rather the
whole page. This makes debugging your application WAY easier, as you can
turn off the JavaScript layer entirely and validate that all the other
stuff - the HTML, CSS, and, above all, the response from the server, is
working properly. By separating design from layout (CSS/HTML) and those
things from interaction (JS), you get a very clean development interface.

My 2 cents. Of course if you go with the custom tag route and want to add
it to the repository I'd be into it. I could totally be wrong.

> As I wrap up this post, I think I may be talking myself OUT of doing this,
> since I'm not really sure nice semantics are worth the effort :-)

Well, certainly if you were to put the same amount of effort into adding
new behaviors and delegators, improving the UI kit itself and broadening
it's functions, it would make it better. The custom tags might make it
better, too, but I don't think the benefits you're perceiving are that
great, and neither are the cons. The system as it is works pretty well, and
it's really not that hard to learn. Plus, it's there already.

I'm still hoping to get something online for you, however rickety, by the
end of the week.


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