Wow.  This makes me sad especially today since my former boss passed away
suddenly.  I'm not there yet...selling my collection.  I have stopped
buying and am trying to be pickier. It's still in my blood and is certainly
a more eco-friendly hobby to have.  I think it's time for us all to rejoice
we have another day to breathe, enjoy our loved ones, this planet and of
course, movies.


On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 10:17 PM David Kusumoto <>

> * Wow, Sue - this is the first time I've heard your story about the house
> next to yours burning down.  What a close call.  And that story about your
> friend in the Valley losing his entire Eastwood / Bond and secret-agent
> related collection is heartbreaking.  No amount of insurance coverage - and
> it can be revealed now - I had NO insurance ON ANYTHING - would console me
> after such a loss.  I think not having insurance coverage - and not having
> things appraised like a reasonable person would and should - also figured
> into my near-sudden urgency to divest my collection sooner rather than
> later.
> * When my parents passed within 2 1/2 years of each other - the process
> of "what to do with their stuff?" really hit me hard.  I hated making
> decisions without knowing how much each specific item meant to them.  And I
> was irritated that they did not communicate what was prized and what was
> detritus.
> * And this re-affirmed to me - 1) "never leave money on the table," and,
> 2) "don't assume your survivors are emotionally connected to movie titles
> or genres of collecting that you are - because they'll just likely cash
> them in at a pawn shop or at some flea market - or donate everything that
> doesn't appeal to them," and, 3) "try to LABEL EVERYTHING you keep because
> it WILL come in handy later."
> * Meanwhile - Sue, remember during the past five years - I kept telling
> you about getting a new frame "soon" from you for another BQ?  I never
> did.  I sold off what was in the first BQ frame you made for me - and
> recycled the frame.  It now houses a good to very good condition 2015
> re-issue quad from "Brief Encounter."  It's worth less than $20 - but I
> LOVE the image - and I will never have to fret if it burns up or gets sold
> for pennies after I'm gone.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Susan Heim <
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 16, 2019 8:23 PM
> *Subject:* Re: Getting older and collecting movie posters. (PHOTOS.)
> Having grown up in southern California, the risk of earthquakes and fires
> is always present...…….In 1994, when the Northridge earthquake hit, I lived
> very close to my shop and gallery.  The earthquake hit at about 4:30 in the
> morning.
> After we and the furniture were thrown around the room, we got out of our
> house and went directly to the store.  There were already looters on the
> main street, sadly.  Luckily, our windows weren't broken but the ceiling in
> our main room was cracked and sagging.  I opened the back door and crawled
> over all the equipment to get to my customers artwork that they had left
> for me to frame.  The main pieces in particular were two original Disney
> cells from a woman who's father had been part of the original crew when
> Disney started the company.  I got what I needed and put them in my car and
> got out.  By then, luckily, the police were patrolling the area not
> allowing looters
> to get into the shops.   As a collector myself, I had to get my clients
> collections out of my store for safe keeping.  My friends thought I was
> crazy for leaving my house in the middle of an earthquake.   But that
> collector gene in me was more powerful.
> A few years later, the house behind my house caught on fire in the middle
> of the night.  My neighbor was banging on our front bedroom window to wake
> us up.  Once up and running down the hall, we got our daughters out of the
> house to the neighbor's care, and then started grabbing framed 3 sheets and
> running out the door to the middle of the driveway as the fire engines
> rushed by to the street behind us.  Luckily the fire was put out but the
> house was a complete loss.  Luckily, for me, the burning house was about 60
> feet from the back of my house, so the only thing that burnt for me were
> the trees in our backyard that were near his boundary line.  What it made
> me do was videotape each room so I would have it for insurance purposes.
> Sadly, last summer in the fires in the San Fernando Valley of L.A., a dear
> friend lost his entire collection.  He had one of the largest Clint
> Eastwood collections in the world, not just all of the posters, but props
> from his films and other unique items.  In addition, he had one whole room
> for just toys from the 40's and up.  A huge Gumby collection and all this
> early James Bond material and Man From Uncle stuff.....just masses of
> beautiful collectables.  It was so sad and I felt so horrible for him.
> So, Alan is correct.  That is life as a collector.  That is why I started
> selling my collection a few years ago because as I get older, I worry about
> things like that.
> Sue
> ------------------------------
> *From:* MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Alan Adler <
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 17, 2019 2:53 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [MOPO] Getting older and collecting movie posters.
> About 20 something years back a wildfire worked its way up my street. Back
> from work, I had 15 minutes to evacuate.  It seemed like the fire was doors
> away from me. I looked around at a room full of old toys, tons of paper,
> screenplays I’d written, journals, you name it. I only had time to choose
> one thing. I picked up my silver baby rattle that I’d recently found in a
> box of goodies. I put it in my pocket and walked out with the first toy I
> ever had. Seemed fitting. After the first item you bond with, everything
> else is icing on the cake. Out of the canyon I waited and wondered for a
> couple of days if my world was still there. In some way I had said goodbye
> to all my stuff. And the oddest thing… when I came back and eveything was
> intact and safe - I found I had to re-acquire it in my mind. Take on the
> burden of it all once again after I’d said goodbye to it and made peace
> with the loss. Will never forget how odd that felt. Such is life in the
> world of collecting.
> Alan
> On Oct 16, 2019, at 7:28 PM, Ira Rubenstein <> wrote:
> Well said.    And I see we have a lot of similar tastes.      While I
> enjoyed my time in California,   I would live  in constant fear of wild
> fire and can’t even imagine of what I would grab if I had to run in ten
> minutes.
> Sent via mobile.    Please excuse typos and autocorrects.
> On Oct 16, 2019, at 9:39 PM, David Kusumoto <>
> wrote:
> * I confess I sometimes get a little depressed realizing that a life span
> is nearing its end - vs. being in the beginning or in the middle - during
> heady days when I cared less about the time unfurling ahead of me - and
> more about trying to OWN everything.
> * There were "bumps" that caused me to downsize unrelated to aging - e.g.,
> wildfire evacuations and the crazy exercise of toting out my fav framed
> one-sheets in less than ten minutes.
> * But as decades pass and I realize my nostalgia doesn't line up with the
> nostalgia of younger generations - the urge to purge - (vs. letting your
> survivors cherry-pick through your stuff after you're gone) - gets
> stronger.
> * When you've liquidated a few estates it hits some of us that we don't
> want to put our survivors through the hassle of choosing - and then dumping
> things they know little about - to Goodwill.
> * So I think I'm like a lot of people in that what I have left today - has
> far more sentimental value than actual $$$ value - (or almost no dollar
> value).  *Two things that pull me out of my funk:*
> 1) Gifting things to younger adults who express an appreciation to own
> movie memorabilia - thus giving them a gateway into a hobby that seems
> forbidden to them now - and hoping that if it takes hold like it did for me
> - it will grab them by the lapels and not peak for them - until they reach
> their late 40s through their 50s, and...
> 2) ...selling things - knowing that a future buyer will give them a good
> home - and will cherish them for however long they can - until they
> themselves - like I did - decide to move on.
> * So while there's an element of sadness about divesting - I am in love
> with the idea of passing things down as a means of preserving them well
> after I'm gone.  And to feed my nostalgia - I can always look at photos of
> what I used to own "back in the day."  (See below.)
> * I never got a chance to own any $$$ horror paper - simply because I
> could never afford it.  So I would say that my collection was likely a
> "mid-tiered" one - representing titles I really loved.
> * Another aspect of getting older and divesting - is I can now show "a
> little bit" of what I used to own - without worrying about security issues
> - esp. now that the "gold" is gone. My lobby card collection is also gone
> but I used to own hundreds that aren't pictured here. -d.
> P.S. - And almost everything I collected - with the exception of Beatles
> memorabilia and comic books - I purchased from dealers who are or were
> members of this very MOPO group!  (With the probable exception of the late
> Deke Richards and that couple who ran That's Entertainment" in PA - from
> whom I scored some incredible prizes!  I can't believe I've forgotten their
> names.  Does anyone remember who I'm talking about?)
> <>
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