Hi Platt,

Way back in August 2005 I posted on MOQ Focus on the following thread Re: MF
Does the MOQ support Religion? I hope no one would mind if I posted it again
here on MD:

"Hi everyone,

This topic got me thinking about chronocentricity.

Everything that we know seems to be about time and calendars and a
beginning and an end. Man created the concept of time and devised
measures of time and elaborate systems of recording and predicting cycles
of time.

Each civilisation seemed to keep its own time and sense of cycle. Whether
it is the Jewish, Mayan, Hindu, Islamic, Chinese or the Gregorian
calendar, time is still an artefact of the human mind to frame the world
from a cultural perspective.

It is peculiar to me that religion arises out of the idea that our time on
this earth is limited to the human life span that we know it and that our
access to the experience that this human body will allow will end. Time
and religion are inextricably intertwined.

Then I think about being achronostic; where one is not bound by any notion
of time. Let not any of the time based mechanisms that man invented hook
on to your mind and weigh it down. Let not any man made structure about
the notion of age and evolution grow like barnacles around your brain and
paralyse you.

My physical body may age and be at a certain chronological point. However
my mind is eternally youthful, perpetually in the same state the day it
saw through the shallow chronocentricity of the world and their attempts
to enslave it to time. It as stayed as young as the day it broke free
from the shackles of time.

Religion likewise is a shackle on the mind. The Metaphysics of Quality as
described by Pirsig can help you break that shackle. Religion is what
ordinary mortals think they need to support their temporary existence
here on Earth. If the ordinary mortal can attain the insight to grasp the
MOQ, he or she achieves a permanence, and has no more need of religion;
shedding it as if it were your old previous skin."

Have I attibuted more to the MOQ than I should have; given that it has not
even attained the status of a 'proper' school of philosophy ? Most bookshops
still have ZAMM and LILA in their newage/self help sections and not in the
philosophy or even religion sections.

But this I do appreciate; in most meditation exercises, we are told to slow
down our reflexes and involuntary movements and cycles to the point we can
be aware of all the changes taking place around us. These are initial
devices to slow our rate of sensory inputs so we can sort out one by one the
perceptions and thoughts taking place in our minds.

We become 'mindful' as it were of the changes all around us, to the extent
'time' slows down to the 'eternal now'.  If we were totally reflexive and
thinking, processing as quickly as events taking place around us, we would
not be aware of all these changes. Much as like you and me moving at the
same speed on different trains in the same direction.

The exercise of meditation is to 'de-reflex" our experience of socalled
'time' and to step outside of it to greet the eternal "now" that you
personified in your essay.

Khoo Hock Aun

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 11:58 PM, Platt Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> > Hi Platt,
> >
> > Okay, looks like sleep will have to wait a while longer.
> >
> > Sure, we experience and observe change - that is the time-based reality
> > we
> > have constructed for ourselves in this subject object metaphysical world.
> > We
> > tire, we are refereshed: these are the changes we experience.
> >
> > But no matter how you, me and 6.5 billion other individuals also
> > experience
> > it, its still an
> > arbitrary experience.
> >
> > I remember posting on this before, step outside the common notions of
> > time-based reality, and we experience only the eternal now.
> >
> > It is not a paradox if we see one the subset of the other.
> >
> > Thanks
> Hi Khoo,
> I think we're on the same timeless page. See my essay, "Say Hello to Now"
> at moq.org.
> Thanks.
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