Why does "Lila" need it? : )

In unrelated news, I once had a dream intuition that the Riemann Hypothesis could be solved cryptographically: by treating the known zeroes as data points relative to the natural numbers. Beats me if it would work, but it came with some great imagery: the Riemann number line and the natural number line (guess it should be the natural complexes) rolling away as broad undulating ribbons over a nice landscape.


-----Original Message----- From: 118
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 7:32 PM
To: moq_disc...@moqtalk.org
Subject: Re: [MD] Deciphering LILA

Hi Ant,
Thank you for your interest. I have joined company with another better versed than I at this. There are so many ways to go about this. I will start to let some stuff dribble out as it takes better form. I do not want to sound too idiotic (although I may often give the appearance to the contrary).


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