This is a great read that directly addresses this thread.
You can "like" Anthony Cody on Facebook and get his blog in  your email.

Posted this morning at Living in Dialogue

Technocratic Groupthink Inflates the Testing Bubble
By Anthony Cody

On May 31, 2012, at 5:58 PM, evelia cadet wrote:

I understand how you feel. After voicing my opinion in our literacy meetings, against the focus on standardize testing, and the need of teaching the reader and not the test, some teachers in my school literally stopped talking to me. If they see me in the halls, they will look down or walk way. I feel bad, however, I am confident I am doing the right thing.

"What was once educationally significant, but difficult to measure,
has been replaced by what is insignificant and easy to measure. So now we test how well we have taught what we do not value."
— Art Costa, emeritus professor, California State University

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