 I am Working on  Arabic To English Statistical Machine Translation.
 AS you now Arabic is a rich morphological language.
 So i use confusion network (as input type) to combine
 many possible morphologique analyses of arabic text.
 CN decoding is not well documented in moses web site. So i need some 
 My questions are  :
  - how moses decode a confusion network ?
  - the means of the word posterior parameters added to configuration 
file 'moses.ini' ?
  - how moses use confusion network scores ? and how it make choice 
between path inside the cn ?
  - the effect of cn tuning.
  - finally i try to change the scores, giving zero to a path but moses 
-when it decode my cn- it take this path ( even it has an edge with zero 
      can you explain that please ?
  Bougares. LIG Laboratory (Grenoble French)
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