
Well its rainy and I got the day off because of it. I was browsing around on 
the MOU website (http://moumn.org/) and noticed on the web page for Review RQD 
Documentation (http://moumn.org/cgi-bin/rqd.pl?op=all) that the MOU website 
manager(s) has added a vote column next to the bird that was documented. 

This vote section in the Review RQD Documentation gives browsers a full view of 
whose bird sighting(s) were rejected by MOURC or accepted by MOURC.  In other 
words I can read names of birders who submitted a bird sighting to MOURC to see 
if their record was rejected or accepted.  I think in my opinion its odd we 
keep names of birders private in the MOURC Voting Summary articles private.. 
meaning they that all birders who contributed bird sightings to MOURC are 
mention after the article but not next to bird sightings that were rejected or 
accepted.  Is it really necessary to type in next to birders names if their 
bird sighting was rejected or not? Should we not keep this private to not 
embarrass anyone for records rejected by MOURC? Was that not the whole reason 
to not publish names next to accepted or rejected bird sightings in the Loon 

In my opinion I think the MOU web page managers should remove this item off the 
page because to me its no ones concern whose record was rejected or accepted.  

Just a thought.


Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Website: http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/
Blog: http://colderbythelakebirding.blogspot.com/

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